
My perfect Englis test : Listen

Verify your level of English Competence: Listen Characters: Bob Bob's Wife (Susan) Mary Part One: Scene. 1 Mary and Susan went shopping and bought clothes for a special event. They have arrived at Mary's house, where Bob is reading the press. The friends are going to ask Bob about the clothes they have just bought, but maybe Bob will not come out very well. Please, listen carefully to this conversation and answer the questions in writing. You can listen to it twice if necessary. Listen the audio and answer the questions: Questions: 1.What did Mary and Susan buy new clothes for? 2. What does Bob ask about the clothes? 3. What's the answer? 3. When they ask for Bob's opinion, what's his first answer? 4. What do the girls ask Bob? 6. Why does Susan get angry? 7. What does Bob do when he gets angry with his wife? 8. Do you remember the sweater's colour? 9. Do you think this exercise is good to learn...?

My perfect Ensglish Test : Speaking

Verify your level of English Competence: Speaken Describe the picture (Min. 1 min. Max 2 Min.) Example of answer:

My perfect English test : Reading

Verify your level of English Competence: Reading & Vocabulary Reading and Use of English Exercise 01 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: O A branch B item C piece D part Checking your mobile phone How often do you check your phone? For many of us, our phone is an essential (0) part of everyday life, but apparently we are spending an increasing amount of time checking it for information without being (1) of doing so. Research in Helsinki shows that phone checking (2)                        lasts less than 30 seconds on each occasion, and usually (3)                     of opening a single application such as social media. The study also found many users check their mobiles throughout the (4)                           day, and that what they check is often (5)                       with particular contexts. For instance, wh

Answers of Exercises

Skill: Reading & Vocabulary Exercise 01 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 C Exercise 02 9 on 10 as 11 them/these/solve 12 to 13 spite 14 in 15 all 16 account Exercise 03 17 products 18 increasingly 19 consumers 20 loyalty 21 manufacturers 22 profitable 23 disageement 24 unhealthy Exercise 04 25 any trees | were left/still standing 26 how high | that building 27 much difference between 28 say (that) | he was sorry 29 find (so) attractive | about 30 to succeed | in winning Skill: Writing Over the last few years many countries have suffered from financial crises and many people are becoming refugees because of war and the effects of climate change. However, we are still sending rockets into outer space and some people even want to send humans to Mars. It cost billions of pounds to send humans to the moon and governments have spent billions of pounnds on the International Space Nation. In my opinion, w

Podcast of my Blog

Podcasts of My Blog

“Me in 10 year´s time”

I am going to start saying that it is very difficult to me to think what I will do with my life in 10 years because I am very happy doing the things what I am doing now, but in this essay, I will try to change my mind. First of all, I think that I will be living in a big city like Madrid or Barcelona. Also, I believe that I will be working in a hospital or in a private clinic seeing that I would like to be a doctor.  Furthermore, I strongly believe that in 10 years I will do a lot of sport, playing golf or working in a gym and I think that I will travel a lot because I like to know other cultures and other different places in the world .  Finally, I also believe that in ten years I will have a stable partner but I still wouldn´t like to have children because I will only be 27 years old  and as I would like to go out at night with my friends. In short, I would like to have a relaxed life with a stable job, enjoying my friends and my hobbies.